Donations to SKIL

PayPal securely accepts your credit card click the icon -->  (details below)

SKIL is a not for profit educational research foundation. Your contributions are fully deductible under the
Federal Tax code 501(c) (3)
(Employer Id # 77 0330575)

When you click on the PayPal button their secure system takes either your PayPal information
your credit card numbers. This option is at the bottom of paypal's page.

Secure means only their system has access to your credit card numbers and billing address - not people at SKIL.

You will receive a confirmation email about your donation from paypal. which is suitable for tax documentation.
your can also print the final confirmation page of your transaction.

The email will be from

The subject line will read: "Receipt for your Payment to Stanford Knowledge Integration Lab"

A line in your credit card statement will read

SKIL has access only to the shipping address so please fill in that portion of the form if you want our thanks and gratitude.

If you would like to make a direct cash contribution or have financial instruments you would like to transfer to SKIL Please contact:

Jack Alpert
13617 West 48th Street
Shawnee, Kansas 66216


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