S = succesfully communicated
F = Failed to communcate
human injuries (from the present until 2100)
4-8 billion will starve to death ___S___F
4-8 billion will die in conflict (anarchy and resource wars) ___S___F
(injuries after 2100 ==> everyone will live in a forever dark-age ___S___F
decreases in supporting resources
non renewables not available because of low EROEI's ___S___F
renewables not available due to overuse (forests, soil. water, air) ___S___F
resilience not available
lost bio diversity ___S___F
lost social contract
economies of scale ___S___F
specialization of labor ___S___F
facilitation of trade ___S___F
rule of law ___S___F
rich disenfranchise the poor ___S___F
present community disenfranchised future communities ___S___F
identified behavior-change to change these causes
new behaviors must limit
births ___S___F
hierarchy, ___S___F
use of commons ___S___F
materials use
maximal recycling (minimal mining of minerals and metals) ___S___F
no fossil water or fuel or uranium use ___S___F
established a view of the target civilization
energy balance (initially using hydro only) ___S___F
personal enrichment unlimited ___S___F
intergenerational transmission not allowed ___S___F
commons use limitations
limited to area of 3 regional city/states
all renewable earth resources annual leases (land, water, air) ___S___F
non-renewable resources not for lease.(fossil water and fuels) ___S___F
non-renewable non distructive use resources (minerals and metals)
for lease (includes recycling fees) ___S___F
human infrastructure exclusion areas outside of city state regions
(no services walking visits only ) ___S___F
production of material goods
include 100% recycling costs ___S___F
transition design (85 years)
birth lottery ___S___F
consolidate civilization into supportable living regions ___S___F
discontinue infrastructure support outside of selected regions ___S___F
scavenge current civilization
knowledge/art/materials/production systems to city/states ___S___F
Implementation ==> Mutual Coercion Mutually agreed upon
create a constituency to vote so institutions can implement the
birth lottery ___S___F
hierarchy limitation laws (these are complex) ___S___F
commons assignment to the next 100 generations ___S___F |